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Dental Crowns & Bridges at Essential Care Dental

Restoring damaged or broken teeth sometimes extend beyond the need for a small filling. In instances where a tooth has suffered from severe trauma, decay or has to be removed, custom dental crowns and bridges from Essential Care Dental can help to fill in what the damage has left behind.

What Are Crowns?

Instead of going inside a tooth to fill in a cavity, crowns go over and around the damaged structure left behind. Some people call them “caps” because they slip on top of the prepared tooth.

We now have the ability to do same-day crowns using a milling machine called CEREC. This machine uses 3D-imaging software to make a detailed replica of your tooth, even matching the colour perfectly.

Our dentist does the preparation by scanning the tooth and mouth. The crown is milled on site and inserted the same day. The process doesn’t take long—patients have time to sit back, relax, watch a movie in the chair, go for a walk or catch up on work with their laptop!

Illustration of dental crown

When to Get a Bridge

Bridges look like 3-4 crowns that are attached side by side. They’re used to fill in the gaps left behind when a tooth is extracted or missing. Each end of the bridge is attached on top of a healthy tooth or implant, suspending the restoration inside of the mouth.

Illustration of dental bridge

Which One Is Right for You?

Before getting a crown or bridge, we’ll need to take an X-ray of the tooth or supporting teeth to evaluate their health and extent of the damage. Alternatives like dental implants may also want to be considered. During your evaluation, we’ll discuss the advantages of each and how they pertain to your smile so that you’ll have the information necessary to decide what’s best for you.

Request an appointment

Contact us today to find out if you’re a good candidate for crowns or bridges.


* Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


Dental Crowns & Bridges Graceville, Sherwood, Oxley, Chelmer QLD | (07) 3333 2011